New ! 6G is arriving
New ! 6G is arriving
WQP48: Water Quality
The WQP48 probe provides precise readings of the principal fluid parameters of interest in a hydrogeological or environmental context.
A calibration interface cable, standard solutions and maintenance kit are provided with the probe to ensure performance remains within specifications. The probe calibration routines can be accessed without removing the pressure housing.
Contact us to get a quote or request more information.
Technical Specifications
✓ Diameter (sensor cage / tool body): 48 mm / 42 mm
✓ Length : 1 670 mm
✓ Weight : 7.5 kg
✓ Max. operating temperature : 70°C
✓ Max. operating pressure : 150 bar
Sensors Parameters
✓ Pressure range : 1500 dbar
✓ Temperature range : -1 to 50°C
✓ Conductivity range : 0 to 70 mS/cm
✓ Dissolved 02 range : 0 to 50 ppm
✓ pH range : 0 to 14
✓ Redox potential range : ±1000 mV
✓ Pressure resolution : 0.03 dbar
✓ Temperature resolution : 0.001°C
✓ Conductivity resolution : 0.001 mS/cm
✓ Dissolved 02 resolution : 0.01 ppm
✓ pH resolution : 0.001
✓ Redox potential resolution : 0.1 mV
Options And Accessories
✓ Additional sensors available : Nitrate, Ammonia, Chloride Sulphide, Iodide, Copper
✓ Bowspring centralisers
Borehole Conditions
✓ Fluid-filled borehole
✓ Open or cased borehole